Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

I know that you are all probably wondering "Where oh where is Carla??" Well from what I thought was going to be a relaxing winter has actually been really quite busy! I don't want to give too much information away just yet, but I am literally being pulled in 3 very exciting directions. All of which to be blogged about very soon I promise, and you won't want to miss it!!

I leave for Mexico in 2 weeks exactly for my Step Sister's Wedding. Now over the last few years we have actually gotten to know each other very well and I am so excited for her and her husband to be! I don't really like calling her my step-sister because she feels like a sister! The sister that I never had growing up, and now we all get to take a family vacation. I honestly haven't been on a holiday with my Dad since I was in Grade 4, which was a VERY long time ago, this trip is so long overdue and I can hardly wait. Of course I will be taking a ton of photos while I'm there so I will be posting those once I'm back.

March is going to be full of Madness so you will want to keep checking back as this is my favorite time of year!!!

Because a photographer's post is never complete without a photo...

This photo was taken by the fabulous Vicki of Cala Photography and I honestly laugh every time I see this photo. Our poor dog who really doesn't appreciate what we are trying to do.

Hope this put a smile on your face this Wednesday!


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